U.S. Supreme Court PR Exercise

U.S. Supreme Court justice S.A. Alito and his colleagues are on a media blitz. Why? Trying to clean up our pro-Trump act, are we?

The U.S. Supreme Court is not running for president but the justices have been on television the last few days. What’s up? That’s how kids ask questions.

Something is brewing. What are they doing on TV, trying to clean up their act? That’s impossible because, what comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth ends up being a Supreme Court opinion.

1. Insurrection clause and the Colorado Supreme Court case

2. July 1 decision granting Donald Trump presidential immunity and more

Barack Obama is Donald Trump’s favourite former U.S. President. What he said about Obama in relation to presidential immunity came in through one ear and went out the other one. Trump said Obama was not tried for the death of Warren Weinstein, an American during a counter terrorism mission in Afghanistan in 2015. I dismissed Trump’s claim because President Obama was acting in his capacity as commander-in-chief. Little did I know that the Supreme Court was listening. What do they say in Nigerian movies: from your mouth to god’s ears. On 6 January 2021, the same commander-in-chief unleashed a reign of terror on Americans he was supposed to protect.

The Supreme Court probably hired a media consultant who arranged for the justices to hit the road, and diffuse negative public opinion about the Court. What caused it? An ex-president who is anti-Constitution and boasts how the Supreme Court does his bidding.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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