Forgot My Keys

Oars. Original keys, I guess.

Do you knock when you get home? Dumb question because, there are more than ten reasons why people don’t knock when they arrive home.

1. Hello! They have a key. Remember, that old school object you insert into the key hole and turn it?

2. The multi-level stack of townhouses in one big compound all have video intercoms. You can see who is at the door. ‘Oh! It’s mom.’

3. In old open plan residential neighborhoods, the family can see them when they drive into the second garage.

4. They don’t knock because they live in gated communities. They press the access code at the communal gate, where the security guard says: ‘Good evening Mr. Perkins.’

5. People at home can see Mr. Perkins talking to the security guard from their cellphones.

6. Mr. Perkins might live in a condominium building with different levels of parking. There are cameras everywhere, including the condo’s main security console with 16 cameras. Family at home can see him from their phones.

What’s your point? The point is that the family knows that daddy’s home or mummy’s home before they knock on the door. The second point is that we don’t knock when we get home, because it’s not home. We live in maximum steel and video prisons to protect our possessions that belong to the bank.

We are not in those poor countries where people leave the door open because there’s nothing to valuable to steal.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders



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