September 10 Debate Decorum Observed

Two colours, but same food will land on these dishes. It's called democracy.

Below is last week's blog (7 September) about how Kamala Harris and Donald Trump should behave during the debate.


September 10 is D-Day. A man and a woman trying to be the next American president will look each other in the eye on television and try and out-do each other. It doesn’t matter really because as of today, September 7, most Americans have already decided where they will cast their net.

The man has experience in such a boxing ring. Donald Trump debated Hilary Clinton in 2016 and most recently, president Joe Biden on the 27th of June. Therefore, Kamala Harris, a rookie in this kind of sparring will face a veteran boxer, and one that lives for the bright lights, literally. It is his forte. There must be camera and lights. However, what is important is what will come out of their mouths and how it is delivered therefore, decorum is the key.

1. Both should be well-bathed and perfumed (it’s a job interview).

2. The male should not approach the female with the intention of hugging her. He broadcasts his views on women, every chance he gets.

3. Both male and female should greet each other ‘namaste’ style, hands close together.

4. No name-calling. Dates, facts and figures only.

5. Debating is about listening. She talks, he listens. He talks, she listens but hey! If he decides to talk about himself, for himself, with himself, she must let that tap run. It’s called suicide.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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