Computer, hamburgers and fries please.

Labour Day 2024 was on 2 September. Workers are fewer than they were five years ago because of a variety of factors. Computers are one of the reasons why people lose their jobs.

I saw a reminder of that at the mall a few days ago. A chicken place has followed what the hamburger chain did about two years back. Which is?  You place your order on a computer installed on the wall. It takes longer than ordering from a human being, because the computer needs concentration. Read, comprehend then order. There’s also a lot of driving around, pressing NEXT and arrows, up or down. This concentration makes the young person behind you irritable because he or she doesn’t understand why you are taking so long. Young people and computers are like seals in the water.

This chicken place has always had one worker behind the counter. Therefore, I cannot accuse the computer for triggering job losses.  If more food places at the mall install computers, more workers will be laid off.  What kind of Labour Day will the world have in 20 years time when every service job is automated? This very mall had a machine that mopped the floor. I dived into a store when I saw it coming towards me just before 2020, the pandemic year.

In fact, the question I should be asking is: are we willing to go back to working the land, to farming? Because in 20 years time, it will be only job left standing. The computer does not like to have its hands dirty.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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