Trump Supporters Want An Encore

Below is an  old blog 18 October 2023 about Trump supporters.


Republicans who want a Trump clone to occupy the lofty position of Speaker of the House, and those that want him as the 2024 presidential candidate have their reasons. I just haven’t come across them, so I will hazard a guess.

The most obvious one is complete adoration for what he stands for, lawlessness. The second reason might be the kind of America, they think he will create for the next four years, if he runs and wins. We have an idea about the DNA of that second reason. The obliteration of systems the Biden Administration put in place will be high on the agenda. Rewind to 2016 when he took over from former U.S. President Barack Obama, whom he constantly called a fake American.

The destruction of the Obama legacy was his priority when he ascended the White House throne. He campaigned on the repeal of what is known as Obamacare. It was his first target as President but it boomeranged. Reality materialized. Congressmen and congresswomen did not want to alienate home town voters that benefit from Obamacare. Trump’s attempt died a natural death, but 2023 is different. Legally, he is the most wanted man in America. Remember old cowboy films and those posters, WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE?

Trump supporters might be thinking that his resurrection will result in the following:

1. They think they will use 6 January 2021 violence to over-turn state and federal elections, ransack property and get away with it, just like Trump.

2. They think they will break international financial and accounting laws and get away with it, just like Trump and his New York businesses.

3. They think they will make the internet the new American courts and jurors, just like Trump.

4. They think they will nullify and emasculate American judges and prosecutors as Democratic Party puppets, and get away with it.

5. They think they will use racist and sexist language to discredit legal practitioners like Judge Chutkan, AG Letitia James and DA Fani Willis.

If this is a figment of my imagination, what exactly do Republicans want for America, beyond 2024?

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger



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