Parking Aggravation

We avoid paying for parking and take chances. Result? Car towed or clamped. Also, always have coins because some machines don't take bank cards.

We are responsible for parking aggravation because we are always pressed for time. That is why we double park outside school gates, conference centres, health centres, garden centres and other places.

What I find hilarious is how  we ‘crowd-source’ parking nearest the shopping mall entrance, opposite the pedestrian crossing. Why? Because we are pressed for time although we went inside just to ‘eye-shop’ as in, “I’m just looking, thank you.” We went there to kill time, but we park in the crowded parking section so that we can do a quick getaway after the eye-shopping.

Parking aggravation escalates when most of the drivers in that section want to leave at the same time. Driving expertise is not the same. Cars are not the same size. The way they were parked is not the same. Some were parked like kissing cousins. Family members are not the same size, and kids might delay getting into the car because they don’t want to go home. It’s amazing how smaller kids holler on top of their voices when parents strap them in the car seat. 

Parking deep down the parking lot, away from the maddening crowd, kills two birds with one stone. It reduces the possibility of impatient drivers scratching your car. It also allows you to stretch your legs from the deep end to the front of the mall. It’s important in north America where people take the car to go and buy ice cream, four blocks away from home.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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