Instant Money vs Rome

Instant money results in instant fame. Fans scream: "Rihanna I love you." Translation. Her money. 

Rome was not built in a day, is a proverb attributed to the English language. I don’t know why, because Geography teachers told us Rome is in Italy.

The proverb assumes we have time to build like seasons: spring, summer, fall, winter and understand how they perform their magic and leave the stage for the next performance. This was important when food came from the soil, rivers and oceans, and not supermarket shelves. That was then. We ought to have more time now because we don’t toil in the sun anymore, but ironically we don’t. 

There’s so much to cram into 24 hours, and the day is dedicated to not only survival, but happiness as well. What makes me happy depresses you, but I think we can agree that happiness is also determined by how others perceive us. We are not peacocks or doves that have a fusion of colour on their bodies and tails. Our feathers are titles at work, clothes, cars, physical address and other things money can buy. That perception also includes the woman on a man’s arms.

The urgency for recognition is more immediate with the youth because this is not Rome. Recognition doesn’t wait for the Emperor to call citizens to a bull fight or opera. It is constant because of digital mirrors like cellphones, where fortunes are made by the number of people who saw me today. Rome was not built in a day, is a dinosaur proverb. It should be a retired NBA or NFL jersey.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders





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