Google Artificial Theft and N.I.L.

Google artificial intelligence is theft. It steals what is in the box, my Name Image and Likeness to make money. Can I use the name Google for my tree-cutting business? 

Kids that play football or any sport in American colleges know what N.I.L. means: money.




Once upon a time, football godfathers used the names of good players to advertise the college, attract donors and make money in any shape or form. They have retired, but they are set for life. Players stopped playing but colleges could still use their names. That was tantamount to owning a man/woman. It was slavery. I own you. I own your name. Time passed. Former football players organized and took the matter to court. The 2024 football season is in full tackle and players should give a shout-out to the OG’s (old guys). The court ruled that a player’s Name Imagine and Likeness belongs to him/her, not the NCAA.

Google Gemini and Stolen Names

It looks like Google has not heard about N.I.L. Blogs and videos belong to us. They are our Name Image and Likeness. Millions of people around the world do not have Google’s money, but they still take pictures, create music, short plays, jokes, recipes, how-to-tips, sports and political analysis.

Google steals it, which is a crime, alters it, which is a crime and sells it, the worst crime. It is artificial theft, not artificial intelligence. Question. At what point does Google decide I’m no longer the writer? At what point does Google own my Name Image and Likeness? Am I a slave?  

Courier Companies

Just because they deliver parcels, doesn’t mean they can wake up one day and tell me they own, what is in the box.

“Please sign here Maam.”

“Hell no! I won’t. This box is open. There’s nothing inside.”

“We are the courier company. We do as we please. We removed the parcel. It’s ours now.”

Sounds like Google the thief, but it doesn’t change the fact that our blogs and videos are ours: Name Image and Likeness.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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