America Has A Wish

We regard ‘wish’ as a stand-alone word that doesn’t need props or scaffolding. That is why most wishes don’t come true. We seldom work on the wish: water it like a garden, weed it, do an oil change, put black polish on wheels or wash home windows.

Is that necessary? It is a wish so it will happen miraculously. Working on it turns it into a strategic plan or new year resolution. There’s a phrase/proverb, “When opportunity comes knocking,” if I’m not mistaken. I can only open the door if I’m at home and not on the beach or a train. Don’t say it. Don’t even try to say opportunity knocks with e-mails and direct messages now.

We must enable, or nudge wishes. That is why all those people move to Toronto, New York and LA. They identified their wish then moved to these cities, so that they could open the door faster, should opportunity knock. There are thousands of Canadians that moved to the U.S. for the same reason. Another example. Hong Kong used to be a British colony.  Filmmakers and other professionals moved to Canada before 1 July, 1997. Why? That is when Britain returned Hong Kong to communist China. Professionals were used to freedom of expression and business practices. That’s why they ran away, to preserve their wishes. They believed communism would be antithetical to their wishes.

What does the British proverb say? If wishes were horses, beggars would run.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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