Number 0-9 And Poverty

Churches got free land in the colonies.

Monday is a bad day for me. For some reason, I tend to wallow in self-pity and also indulge in things that are not my business. Example, the state of the world. The rich will get richer whether I like it or not. Governments, any government is reluctant to dismantle pillars of capitalism called taxes. Business players are rich because of tax deductible lunches, dinner, plane travel, cars they drive, their entertainment and mistresses (side chicks). I’m not. The landlord kicks me out when I fail to pay the rent.

I digress, big time. It’s Monday and I’m thinking about things I don’t understand.

1. Artificial intelligence, someone’s film, blog or creativity can be bought and sold. I cannot steal my neighbours lawn-mower. It is will be theft.

2. Data. My name, address and email can be bought and sold.

3. Cryptocurrency, it can be bought and sold. How is it different from cents/pennies that were discontinued in countries like Canada?

4. Water, a free gift from the sky can be bottled and sold.

5. Women can be bought and sold online.

I don’t like Monday because these ‘products’ depend on 0-9, numbers. We cannot touch numbers like we touch a rock or a flower. Numbers depend on banks, controlled by few men, with tentacles all over the world. How do they control 0-9? Because they hold something tangible, something precious. Which is? Land, or real estate to use Business School language.

Land belonged to everybody until numbers 0-9 got off ships, pointed guns at ‘barbarians’ and planted the Union Jack and French flag. It’s no use crying over spilt milk. I must buy some land which will yield some numbers 0-9. There’s no land to buy in Africa because presidents and prime ministers have mortgaged all countries to England, Russia, Italy, America and China. Africans are slaves in their own continent.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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