Auntie You Have Voting Options

“Auntie, will you vote on 5 November?”

“No baby, the lines are too long and they cut down the number of ballot boxes.”

Your great aunt has voting options. She is not aware of them because she is scared of her phone. One of her friends was scammed $20 000 and the news is full of horror stories about anonymous thieves that pretend to be the hydro or insurance company. You on the other hand, live for your phone. You know the pros and cons of that thing in your pocket. It has useful information, like alternatives to standing in line to vote.

Knocking on doors and phone banks will always be part of campaigning, but sitting down with auntie and outlining alternatives to standing in line on 5 November is your civic duty. But we don’t live in the same town. True. True dat. How about flying or driving to her state? Spend a few days with her. You might even meet her friends and that will be killing two birds with one stone: spend time with auntie and have voting cookouts for her friends.

Other communities have everybody under one roof or state: grandparents, aunties and uncles so it’s easy to share voting information. It is also the future of America. Communities that live together and share resources will rule America. Spend time with auntie. You’ll learn a thing or two about yourself, young America.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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