Trump's Strategy Put Judges On Hold

Photo Credit: Online pic.

"I’m on hold.”

What is frustrating about being on hold, is someone forgetting they’ve put you on hold. Worse still, they cut the call. I don’t want to think about charges, if it is an international call.

Anyway, that is Donald Trump’s brief to his attorneys. Put judges on hold. I’m in the thick of things preparing for 2024, my guaranteed victory because Democrats won’t be running, and being formally crowned U.S. President on 6 January, 2025.

No. I don’t think America will use that date. January 6 has painful indelible memories. As an outsider looking in, I cannot believe Trump’s audacity of trying to put the judiciary on hold. My American Politics’ professor stressed the sanctity of the separation of powers in U.S. democracy. The executive is here, judiciary over there but close enough to keep a beady eye over the executive to ensure it doesn’t misbehave.

Why am I even talking about the executive? Donald Trump is not part of the government in any way. He is an ordinary person with aspirations of being a U.S. president, just like the other candidates. He doesn’t think so because he has delusions of grandeur, which he articulates very well.

That’s good news for judges he tried to put on hold. How? Give him enough rope to hang himself.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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