
Liz Cheney's book Oath and Honor, confirms that Donald Trump knew he lost the 2020 election.

What a relief! The plane landed safely and you all shuffle out. The only word on your mind is EXIT. How do I get out of this big airport and, will she be waiting for me as planned? Where is the exit to the taxi rank? Where is the car rental office?

English: Exit.

French: Sortie.

Spanish: Salida.

Yoruba: Lo.

Zulu: Phuma.

Exit is not the exit, you see on airport signs or hospital doors. It depends on how it is said, by who and when. “Get out,” is not the same as, “Please leave,” or “I’m leaving.” EXIT can also be silent, when we don’t say goodbye. I don’t know why some people accuse me of not saying goodbye.  I don’t, because I know when it’s time.


Believe it or not. It’s not one person who wakes up one day and says: I want to be the U.S. president, the British Prime Minister or the German Chancellor. Every party has kingmakers that meet behind closed doors with maps and calculators. They, make the decision. It might entail somebody leaving that position.

Leave is phuma in Zulu, a language whose umbilical cord is buried Kwa-Zulu, one of the South African provinces. Phu-ma. You say the whole thing like the Puma, the name you see on sports shoes and gym clothes.

Phuma Joe Biden.

Phuma Rishi Sunak.

Phuma Liz Cheney (a Donald Trump foe).

However. It depends on the person being asked to leave. There might be some reluctance, but we leave eventually. Then there are exceptions. Donald Trump will never leave because he believes in being U.S. president till death do us part, and he will do it, by hook or by crook. Did I say crook?  Mike Pence and other loyal Republicans do not speak Zulu. If they did, they would say:

Phu-ma Donald Trump (Leave).

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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