January 6 and 9/11

Donald Trump's mugshot taken in Atlanta, for the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 Georgia election. His lie that the election was stolen was made into the Election Integrity Act, a voter suppression law.

BackgroundWhat is 9/11? It was the attack on America by suicide bombers on 11 September 2001. Donald Trump calls men that attacked the Capitol on 6 January 2021, 'hostages.' Below is an old blog, 19 March 2024.


1. American citizens boarded American Airlines Flight 11 with terrorists on board. That plane deliberately crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York. The 92 hostages - passengers and plane crew - all died. Donald Trump, remember hostages don’t live to tell the story.

2. American citizens boarded United Airlines Flight #175 with terrorists on board. That plane deliberately crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York. The 65 hostages - passengers and plane crew - all died. Donald Trump, remember hostages don’t live to tell the story.

3. American citizens boarded American Airlines Flight #77 with terrorists on board. The terrorist suicide bombers drove the plane into the Pentagon, killing 64 passengers and crew members.  Donald Trump, remember hostages don’t live to tell the story.

4. American citizens boarded United Airlines Flight #93 with terrorists on board. They crashed the plane in Somerset County in  Pennyslvania, killing 44 passengers and crew on board.

Donald Trump is on the campaign trail, running for the highest office in the land. That is why he is worried about his disciples he calls ‘hostages’ that are in jail for storming the Capitol on 6 January 2021. What he should be thinking about are 9/11 hostages that sat on those four planes, terrified for their lives. How did they feel, staring at the hate of those suicide bombers who told them, they are willing to die for their religion. We shall never know. But they have relatives, who cannot believe that Donald Trump is using the word ‘hostages’ so loosely.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger




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