
U.S. Supreme Court Donald Trump's Insurance

Donald Trump’s lawyers will make sure, his criminal cases do not see the light of day before November 2024, but he understands the English language. Delay does not translate into delete, destroy, decompose, deactivate or debunk. His cases will be waiting for him after the presidential election. The justice system has loopholes, but they were designed to make justice thoroughly fair for everyone affected. Unfortunately, it is abused and you need money to loop yourself out of the wheels of justice. Donald Trump has mega-millions for that but none to pay the State of New York $464 million plus the daily interest. He won’t be in a courtroom before the presidential election because the U.S. Supreme Court, has his back. How do you know? Because of his confidence about it. He’s very cocky as if he has a secret why, the Supreme Court is in his corner. Delay is not delete, no matter what he tells himself. He continues to put rust on the wheels of justice because he thinks he will be back in the

Moving House and Climate Change

Indoor forest. We'll throw out plastic trees when we move. Change of address is either by choice or circumstances and it involves pruning our belongings, especially things we used once or twice and are gathering dust in the garage or attic.  Kids, especially teens, find it hard to adjust after bankruptcy or divorce and getting rid of things that used to define them, like skis or dirt bikes. Some parents are transferred to bigger cities like New York where rents are exorbitant and there’s no backyard like the one they had in Alabama. They might be moving to an apartment building. They’ll be lucky if they find a condo unit that has two parking spaces, not one like the rest of the building. Therefore, there’s no garage to store junk. Moving forces us to audit. There are things we cannot take with us because of the trimmed space so we either sell them or donate them to Salvation Army and Value Village thrift stores. The audit reveals that we didn’t use them that much. We bought them be

Georgia Bosses Intimidating Voters

The voter is alone in the voting booth, but there is this ice-cold drop on his head about what the boss has been saying for weeks. “We must not vote for them. We will lose everything we’ve worked for. This farm will be sold. Trucks too. What will happen to that pretty daughter of yours who wants to be a lawyer? She will drop out, and do god knows what. We must not vote for them. You and I were born here. We must keep our values. Don’t vote for them .” The voter is alone in the voting booth, but he forgets that. He thinks somehow, the boss will find out he voted ‘ for them. ’ Bosses intimidate workers into voting for the Brown Party, not the Yellow Party. The intimidation can be subtle, or blatant. The boss can also give workers benefits he has been with holding illegally for the past four years, just because the presidential election is a few months away. It is a bribe, a double illegal bribe, but workers don’t know that. When do employers start voter intimidation? Headlines. Certain s

Managers Wanted

You're just a manager. You don't own the orange.  Internet riches has led to the debate about college. Is the four years worth it, if you cannot get a job after making your parents proud, on graduation day? Sometimes graduation certificates nurture unrealistic expectations. We want to dive into the deep end of the pool and become managers. What we should be doing is to check out the board of directors of companies we like, while we are still in college. Unfortunately, the salary, dental and health benefits, the car, housing allowance etc. are the reasons why we gravitate towards certain companies. The board of directors (BOD) will tell us what we will be ‘managing.’ Managers manage someone’s property, invention, vision and the future. Thanks to the internet, BOD information is easily available. It was important in ancient times when fathers wanted to ‘marry off’ daughters to the right families, or wanted sons-in-matrimony that would safeguard daughters’ inheritance. Arranged ma

Lara Trump Age 81

Lara Trump and chickpeas.81?   " Open 8 days a week.” Are my eyes playing tricks on me? No, they are not, because this is the second time I’m seeing this banner at a particular steak house in town. The first time was in St. Vital, the second time was today, on my way to one of the factory outlets. I don’t go very often because sometimes their prices are higher than regular mall prices. Shhhh! Don’t tell a soul. I digress. Where was I? Yes, 8 days a week. Thanks to Lara Trump, Donald Trump’s daughter-in-matrimony, now I realize that it’s not a typo on the banner. It’s intentional. It’s to ruffle some days of the week feathers. That way, this steakhouse is always bubbling mentally, and we know where to go when we feel like meaty delights. Lara Trump is in the news. It is reported that she said the U.S. has 81 states. It is two things. It was slip of the tongue or a declaration of intent. I take issue with that slippage because we were taught History and Geography the hard way. We sp

Artificial Intelligence My Foot!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is dumb. It has absolutely no brains. How can you say? It shows you’re clueless about technology. I am. Very proud too. The little I know comes from @mkbdhd, the YouTuber who explains technology very clearly for zero-tech people like me. If artificial intelligence is so intelligent, why doesn’t it recognize my name? I type it everyday, so it’s not a typo. Fine. I’ll make some concessions. AI doesn’t know my name because it’s not an English name, but how about the machine I use to write my thoughts? 1.  Why doesn’t AI tell me to clean my screen? I thought I need new glasses. No I don’t, the screen is just dirty. 2.  Why doesn’t AI tell me to clean the keyboard? All the letters look the same now. 3.  Why doesn’t AI remind me that for two days running, I forgot to power off this machine, pull that power cord out before I go to sleep? 4.  Why doesn’t AI tell me the cheap-o headphones I’m using are past their due date, like when milk goes bad? They usually last

Babies Sue Technology

Human beings are animals although they pretend to be the better species. Nature has a pattern on how babies in animal country and human country explore their new environment. Unfortunately, Wi-Fi fractures that pattern in human country. Human babies envy animal babies because their parents don’t have laptops and cellphones. Animals do not sit on their fathers’ laps as he works or entertains himself at the computer. Exploring the new world can be dangerous. Don’t touch that, it’s hot, but who will give the warning because mom and dad are busy online? Not in animal country. Nature still rules. For example, geese have long necks, but they become longer when the mother detects human presence around her six babies. Don’t even think about it with mother lion. That’s why I respect wildlife photographers, who gave us images of mama and baba lion with their kids. Exploration, how do I teach my kids to kill? That is what is in mama lion’s mind as she sits there and looks at the foolish photograp