Technology Cookies?

Photo Credit: Online pic?





That is what our phones and laptops tell us to do. They use simple language when they want to steal names, addresses, number etc. (data). What do they do with it? Sell it to the highest bidder. That is when they use complicated legal language. They got word that we are as mad as hell, so they cheated. They adopted user-friendly language like cookies. What is a cookie exactly?

Sorry, I won’t sign up for a free newsletter or updates about the latest shipment. I know it’s just a ruse to get my number and email so you can sprinkle it all over the place like confetti on a bride.

No. We won’t do that. Please read our cookie policy. I did. Misleading advertising, that’s what it is. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. Cookies are tempting, bad for teeth in the long run if you eat them daily, but tempting nonetheless. The aroma  wafting from the oven is inviting. It could be vanilla, cinnamon, coconut, chocolate or orange. Hollywood movies always have some character baking cookies for Christmas.

Technology is guilty of misleading advertising because the cookie policy is cold hard cash. I go online to book a flight or read about what’s happening on the other side of the world. Ping! A message comes up about a cookie policy.

There is nothing chewy about it because my teeth will revolt. It is a hard to understand legal document. It’s a contract. How do they put it? A privacy policy. They swear they will not farm out my personal information, except to their subsidiaries and other people they do business with.

How private can you get?

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders



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