YouTube Cannot Replace Home Schooling

D.L. Hughley comedian, broadcaster and social commentator was one of the speakers at the 2024 DNC in Chicago, August 19-22.

Home schooling is not formal. It doesn’t have a school uniform or desks. It is curiosity. “Excuse me mom, what are you doing?”

The answer is obvious. Kids want inclusion in what you’re doing. D.L. Hughley, the American comedian once said parents are speechless when kids catch them doing the love dance and ask, “What are you doing?”

You can encourage kids to be architects by regularly sitting at the table with a ruler, pencil, paper and an eraser. Yes, you don’t have to, because YouTube has everything, but things we touch and smell last longer in memory.

What are you doing mum?

Building a school, but I must design it, on a piece of paper first.

You can give Miss Daughter a pencil, paper and eraser and ask her to design her own school. What will come up is the size, which has to be measured. Give her the ruler and show her how to measure inches. This leads to spelling initiation, words like length and width.

You think you are the teacher but Miss Daughter might surprise you. For example, why does she want to design a 2-level school, classrooms with four windows or a school with no student lockers? Her reasons will be fascinating.

She will learn measurements from you and you in turn will pick up morsels of information about her school, teachers and her friend who was born in another country, but speaks English like Prince Harry.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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