Ankles Hate Winter

Women in Africa, Asia and the Pacific had some kind of 'jewelry' for ankles. 

Ankles are poor cousins of body parts. Talk shows invite fitness instructors to school the audience about toning butt, arms, legs and keeping that tummy flat as a pancake. They never talk about taking care of ankles.

Is it because ankles are part of the leg? It’s not fair. They need stand-alone consideration because of the special shape. Ankles are a work of art, not like knees that are always sulking. Canada, U.S. and Europe might not care about ankles but they are important in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. Women adorn them with beads or silver anklets.

You wrong though. Am I? Women in Europe have a pedicure during the summer and paint toenails green, red, pink and other yet to be discovered colours. You have a point, but toenails are the focal point.

I say ankles are neglected because there’s no regular fitness regime just for them like a massage after the bath, feeling their geography with your fingers.  We pamper the face and hair, always at the mirror checking for imaginary blemishes. We don’t put the mirror on the floor and examine ankles.  

Ankles are not part of our beauty regime until we see someone walking with difficulty because of swollen ankles. Alright. I’ll attend to my ankles next summer. It’s winter already and they’ll be ensconced in socks and boots. That’s the problem right there.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders



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