Fox News Addresses Trump As President

January 6, 2021.
Former president Donald Trump, sending his troops to war on the people he is constitutionally-obliged to protect. U.S. presidents are the commander-in-chief. How did the CIA fail to detect something of this magnitude?

Below is an old blog 30 August 2024, about the media calling Trump president.


I say I love the rain, but subconsciously I hate it.

Sometimes I feel that it’s not the slip of the tongue when reporters for major TV networks address Donald Trump as ‘Mr. President.’ It is what they believe subconsciously. It means:

1. They do not recognize Joe Biden as the sitting U.S. President.

2. They believe Donald Trump when he says the 2020 election was stolen.

3. They believe that he was justified in desecrating the Capitol on 6 January 2021.

Hold on. You are blowing things out of proportion. Am I? It is just the slip of the tongue when reporters address Donald Trump as ‘Mr. President.’ The man on the bus and the woman driving the bus, could be forgiven for saying it. Maybe they voted for him, not public messengers. Reporters are supposed to ‘report’ who, what, why, where and when. We, at home tend to believe them because they are objective. It’s a job requirement.

A slip of the tongue. Not in 2024. It would be understandable it was 2021 or 2022. It happens to you and I, calling Mr. Yu the new CEO, Mr. Brown, who recently retired. Rewind to 7 August. Donald Trump had summoned reporters to Mar-a-Lago to pull their ears about how they report crowd size. Some reporters addressed him as Mr. President. I dismissed it because it might have been a directive from Donald Trump, after all they were in his home.

Television producers do not correct the ‘slip of the tongue’ obviously. As Shannon Sharpe said to Ocho on Night Cap, if you don’t coach, you condone it. My apologies if my sequence is all mixed up. He said it last year.


Covering the election is a day job. Reporters have their own beliefs and they will vote Democrat, Republican or Independent come 5 November. Fine, but they should give the people at home facts, not what they feel subconsciously.

Who is the current U.S. President? Period.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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