Canada Remember 2021 Snap Election

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada,
under estimated voters by calling the doomed September 2021 election.



Canada. Calling a federal election is a wrong move because it is the wrong time. Life is not right because of the health emergency the world is facing. The dance changes, when the music changes, to quote and African proverb.

The call for an election is self-serving. The Liberal Party wants a majority at all costs. Justin Trudeau has abandoned us. He’s no longer the government, but a self-serving individual, delusional enough to think that Canadians are going to gift him that majority.

How do we have an election when we’re still pandemic hostages? Restrictions are still in place. Life is not normal and we don’t know when it will be. Opposition parties can be the bad guys, but they worked with Trudeau during lockdown to ensure that we, insignificant voters have the basic needs.

Why fix it, if it’s not broken? A minority government is not the end of Canada as a political entity, check the archives. Trudeau has forced an unnecessary election on the people.

Canadians expect the government to be considerate to challenges they are facing because of Covid-19. They have done their part, vaccinated as much as they can. There are pockets of resistance to lockdown, but overall, the people support government efforts to contain the virus. Why an election?


The Liberal Party is inconsiderate for calling the September election. Voters will also return the favour. The Party convinced Trudeau to take such a suicidal step based on how things were done once upon a time e.g. polls. You call an election if they say you are the current flavour of the month or year.

There are under currents that polls are not aware of, and are not interested in being aware, because Canadian politics have been done in a certain way for so many years. It’s called the Canadian experience. Professional immigrants who can never get a job because they don’t have Canadian experience, know exactly how it works.

Canadian experience in politics means jump starting an unnecessary election because Liberal Party wants a majority. For what? The whole exercise will boomerang because the party faithful that feel that the election is pushed down their throats, will vote their displeasure. Opposition parties will fare better, because their ‘hands are clean.’ They have no majority to fight for.

Some Canadians will vote. Others will stay home and wait for 2023. It’s a forced election, a doomed election.

This is another ‘written podcast’ from Nonqaba waka Msimang.



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