Job Interview Life Interview

“Tell me about yourself.”

Well! I scam people on line. I’m a murderer. I forge passports. I’m great with people. The list is longer than this actually. Why do job interviews pose such a question? It’s pointless because we lie through the teeth. I’ve been lucky. Maybe it’s because I’m a writer. In previous interviews, managers took me into a board room and gave me writing assignments. Makes sense.

Fall is good and bad news. Good news because of those pretty leaves with a golden brilliance. Bad news because it makes me interview myself about the impending year-end. What did I achieve in 2024? There are things I ought to have done. Did I do them? I don’t like this self-interview because year in, year out, answers are riddled with excuses. It’s scary when I sound like Donald Trump and blame everybody, but myself. At least Trump is focused. He blames Democrats past and present and yet-to-be-born Democrats.

I will continue doing a self-interview about my life although 2024 is left with only four months. Sometimes I’m able to identify mistakes and correct them. Sometimes I fail. I must not abandon the self-interview, especially because leaving the house is traumatic. I always see people less fortunate than myself, people who have lost the ability, to self-interview.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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