Voting Early Cool? Right.

If only I voted, does not materialize after they declared the Yellow Party the winner or when its leader thanks the country. If only I voted, is not when you remove the Orange Party signs you planted on your lawn. Yes you voted Orange in the past two presidential elections but not this time. You don’t like some of feeder roads it introduced in the last three years. That’s why you didn’t vote. Justifiable abstaining, is that what you call it?

If only I voted kicks in when the Yellow Party takes off in full speed, mowing down cornfields; spraying rivers, dams and other water sources with rat poison; when it makes all traffic lights red which means it’s survival of the fittest; when it smashes window panes which means babies cannot crawl around; when it programs planes not to land in certain cities because they have the propensity to vote Orange; when it releases domestic terrorists and throws judges and prosecutors in jail and when the Yellow Party leader demands an emoji citizens must place on their foreheads when they apply for a job. It is only when the Yellow Party leader declares that the entity registered as the U.S.A. is now the U.T.A. Meaning? The United Trumps of America.

If only I voted is not like, I didn’t vote. Go on, explain the difference if you can. Gladly. I didn’t vote is sterile. It’s a choice, which is not conditional on anything. If only I voted is an admission of regret. If I had voted, the Yellow Party would not have won the election.

The good news is that Americans still believe in voting despite dark clouds hovering about the legal system, the Constitution and basic freedoms. Voting for Donald Trump in primaries was not an option for some Republicans. That is why they voted for Nikki Haley, who had dropped out from the race, already. They believe in voting, we must. We are not happy, but we will vote, come rain, come sunshine.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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