Artificial Intelligence Writing Road Block


Capitalism is attractive to money men because they come up with an idea to destroy the environment; do the necessary paper work blessed by the government; make the product then flood the market. As usual, we did not ask for it, which brings us to cellphones and computers.

Writers did not ask for artificial intelligence, but our writing tools are infested with it. The computer ‘corrects’ me when I’m typing. We have a situation where writers become imbeciles. We know what we want to say and how to say it. Artificial intelligence tells me how. It rejects certain words. I have a reason why I use American English in this blog, and the Queen’s English in another one.

This start-stop is quite frustrating because the writing process is frustrating on its own. I used to blame this computer, but then I realized that men who came with the idea of artificial intelligence are the culprits. Frustrating because sometimes I cannot over-ride the artificial intelligence. I just want to write. How can AI detect my  mood or  sarcasm? I have a reason why I call Donald Trump a ‘genius.’ Is he? I call Georgia Republicans ‘genius’ for working with Trump to over turn Biden’s win in the 2020, then making voter suppression laws based on Trump’s stolen election lie. Does that make them genius? Artificial intelligence does not know the writer’s intention.

Writers did not ask for artificial intelligence, which is nothing but artificial theft.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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