Trump Playing Hide and Seek With Judges

Donald Trump with Alina Habba, one of his attorneys.

Below is and old blog, 13 December 2023 about Donald Trump playing tag with judges.


Donald Trump’s modus operandi (m.o.) is forcing judges into some legal speed skating. He has his skates on (lawyers) and they slide down separate lanes with Judge Engoron and Special Counsel Jack Smith. Trump maintains that somehow, his political ambition takes precedence over things he is accused of, and the amount of money he should pay for defrauding the State of New York. Liability for fraud has been established already.

Presidential immunity seems to be the latest skating arena. First of all, isn’t that an admission of guilt? Is he saying yes I did all that but I cannot be criminally liable because I was president? I’m thinking about Juvenile Court. The kid committed the crime, but he’s just a kid and receives a juvenile sentence. How about insanity? The accused’ lawyers sometimes use insanity as a plea.

I’m also lost on the term of office. If Donald Trump claims presidential immunity, it should be clear when and how U.S. Presidents officially, don the cap. I don’t think it’s when the ticker tape in TV newsrooms goes crazy, reporting votes as they come in from all American states.

1. Does someone become president when the Electoral College gives the green light?

2. Does someone become president at the official inauguration, like 6 January 2021?

3. Does someone become president when he puts his hand on the bible and says, I swear ……….?

4. If these are different stages, what is the status of the out-going president in the mean time?

Maybe this is a moot court because courts are firm about Trump’s immunity claim. They reject it.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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