Yes. You Can Cook

That's it. You can cook. Place salmon steaks on top and switch off heat. Place snap beans on top and cook for 10m. Place chicken thighs on top and cook for 15.

Cooking foundation? Yes, onions and tomatoes.

I don’t have pots. Obviously you do, if you have a stove. Yes, you can cook if you have the basics: onions, tomatoes and olive oil. You chop and slowly cook them in olive oil with a little salt for six minutes. This foundation will help you make many meals.

1. Place chicken pieces on the foundation, add some water and cook slowly for 15 minutes. Eat with green salad or rice.

2. Cut liver into medium size pieces. Place them on the foundation, pump up the heat and cook for 3 minutes. Eat with bread, Italian polenta or stiff corn meal.

3. Open can of baked beans, place on foundation, cook for 5, eat with bread or rice.

4. Soak beans overnight or a few hours. Cook for 40 minutes, depending on type of beans. Place them on top of foundation and simmer for 10. Eat with bread or rice.

5. Defrost peas, place on foundation and cook for 6. Don’t overcook, you’ll lose crunchiness. Eat with rice or orzo, tiny pasta also called risoni.

6. Place salmon or white fish on foundation, pump up heat, cook for 5, serve with rice or orzo.

7. Place sliced mushrooms on foundation, pump up heat and cook for 3. Mushrooms have a lot of water, that is why you’re cranking up the heat.

8. Place sliced beef on the foundation, add a cup of water. Cook slowly for 15. Eat with bread, rice, pasta or stiff corn meal.

Salads: mix chopped lettuce with tomatoes and cucumber in a salad bowl or tin foil. Add blue cheese salad dressing and mix with a wooden spoon.

There you go. You can cook.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders 


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