No Housing Crisis Just Capitalism

There’s no housing crisis. It is what you can afford. It is called capitalism. We tend to give the same thing different names. What do you mean? Home vs Property.

A home is where you hide your head. It belongs to somebody, the landlord if you are renting. If you ‘bought’ the house using money from the bank, it is the bank’s property. It is standard capitalism. I don’t know why we are complaining. Dear reader, just look at your life, and think about adjustments you made because of money. You live here now, but you once lived over there, uptown with oak trees and squirrels doing  relay races up and down.

Alternatives To Housing

1. Turn Canada and U.S. into Russia and other communist countries where housing is subsidized.

2. Do what other races do. They buy a big house and all four generations live there. Girls only leave home after marriage. It’s one mortgage but the house is a home for university students, married sons and daughters with professional jobs or businesses.

“Oh! No! I can’t live like that. No privacy?”

“What privacy? The whole world knows your business because Google sells everything about you. It’s called data.”

We don’t like these alternatives, because we live in a free society. Translation. Free because it is  controlled by money. Therefore, there is no housing crisis. I get a good job, I change zip codes and buy a house higher up in the mountains, where floods cannot reach. Billionaires shut down the business and move jobs to China and Mexico. I can’t pay the bank every month so, it repossesses its property and I move back to living downtown and police sirens 24/7. I’m homeless. There you go, same-o same-o. Same thing, different names. Home to me, property to the bank.

There’s no housing crisis. Just capitalism, a free society.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders




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