Grocery List and Voting List

Sasheer Zamata. American actress and comedian. Photo credit: Online pic.

Certain items are always on top of the grocery list because we use them a lot. They are staple food. By the way, it is a good idea to give kids pen and paper and encourage them to do the grocery list. You are teaching them planning and you also want to check spelling. 

Oooops! I digress, but it’s for a good reason. We need a grocery list because of limited funds. Things down the list are not as important as the top five. When last did I buy cashew nuts? No. It’s not inflation. I’m stone broke, period. Do you have a voting list?

Top 5 on the voting list.

1. The right to vote (Georgia, Penn State, Arkansas etc.)

2. The right to have it collected, counted and certified without fraud

3. Job security

4. Reproductive and health care rights (no pregnancy spies lurking about reporting women to the pregnancy police)

5. Protection of the justice system (judges, prosecutors and witnesses) from political vigilantes

Now, let’s say we have Lena, a computer analyst and Samantha, a sweet potato farmer. They’ll have different voting lists obviously, but we can safely say they will vote for the sanctity of the U.S. Constitution.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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