Hurricanes Emergency Backpacks

No blow dryer, shaving kits or toys in the emergency backpack, only essentials like family I.D. documents, medication, toothpaste and underwear.

Below is an old blog June 1 2024 about emergencies like hurricanes.


Dubai International Airport was closed in April because of vicious rain that flooded the United Arab Emirates (UAE). On this side of the globe, summer is around the corner. We don’t wish for floods, but if they do, what do we grab and run? An emergency backpack.

Emergency Backpacks

Evacuation orders. Floods are coming your way, what would you take with you? Complete chaos, because we don’t know what to pack. That’s why we need emergency backpacks. All adults at home must know where the emergency backpack is.

1. Your I.D. is always with you because it is needed at the bank, government offices etc. However important documents like your marriage certificate, kids’ birth certificates, passports and title deeds are stored somewhere in a small bag at home. You can replace all these if they are lost but it takes time, so grab it when you flee from the floods.

2. Medication. Special medication for some members of the family also goes into the emergency backpack.

3. Under wear. Stores always sell men’s briefs and ladies’ underwear in two’s or three’s. Kids clothes are also sold like that. Pack hats and scarves. No hairdresser where you’re going.

4. Toothbrushes. They are also sold in 4 or even six-packs, so are face towels. Toothpaste is no problem because you always have an extra box. Pack hand lotion that works as face, body and shaving lotion. It’s an emergency. You can’t be picky about ‘my brand.’

5. T-shirts. Pack two new or old T-shirts and a pair of jeans for him and her.  Shaving kits? Not necessary. Grow a beard besides, there might be no electricity where you’re evacuated to. Storm took down power lines.

6. Socks. You laugh when you see that 12-pack of socks at the mall. Laugh no more. They’ll act as shoes when the rescue boat finally deposits you on dry land somewhere.  

Tip: Packing the emergency backpack is like packing for vacation, only essentials go on that plane. Kids obviously cannot take teddy bears and remote driven cars. You cannot take shoes to match your outfit because you won’t be going somewhere fancy, for a long time.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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