Paying Myself In My Business

I’m going back to school.

As what? The  most senior professor? Ha! Ha! Ha! Self-development. That is what it is. I want to go to business school to learn how I would pay myself, if I had my own business. Would I earn weekly wages or a monthly salary? No. I won’t have a secretary because these devices we carry are a full office. Have you noticed how your friends start a business and immediately hire a secretary/front desk person? It’s all show-and-tell that they ‘have arrived’, because they don’t have clients, yet.

“Ziphi. I’m off to lunch.”

“O.K. Sir.”

Lunch where? The boss is going to the taxi rank to get a working man’s lunch of brown bread and beans. I digress. Where was I? Yes, I if I had my own business. You remember mom n’ pops businesses? We see their sad stories about closing the business after - let’s say 20 years - at a particular location. Did they ever receive a salary, or they did it for love? Kids that take-over a family business. Do they give themselves wages or a salary?

Take successful Tik Tok creators and powerful Nigerian YouTube producers like Maurice Sam, for example. Do they pay themselves? You see, I must definitely go back to school and learn how my business can pay me a salary. I kid you not.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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