Georgia Playing With Fire About Voting Machines

Listen up. Voting machines count. That's all they do, count ballots. They don't vote.

Old piece I posted on 1 August 2021.


Joe Biden of the Democratic Party is the 46th U.S. President because Donald Trump, the 45th lost the election in November 2020.

Trump did not accept defeat so he accused people and machines of voter fraud. That’s why companies like Dominion Voter Systems have taken him and Fox News to court for defamation.

It is common sense, but it must be reiterated that vote counting machines don’t vote. They don’t belong to blue or red states. They don’t have digital synchronized swimming that ends up with one result: Donald Trump winning Georgia and the election.

Voting machines don’t interpret one man’s wishful thinking into reality. Trump told Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Secretary of State he must give him 11,780 votes so that he could win.

Raffensperger could not produce them because machines do not deliver cheese if they were fed grass. Trump wanted a second run in being the president and if he had his way, he would be president-for-life.

Machines are programmed. They have a ‘brain’ that tells them what to do. Voting machines count votes. It’s an in and out situation. They count a Democrat win if more voters feed it with such. That is what voters fed the machines which resulted in the Biden victory.

That is how they counted votes that sent Reverend Raphael Warnock and Jonathan Ossoff to the Senate. Texas is a red state and remained red because voting machines received more votes for the Republican Party.

Trump lost the election. He says he was robbed. Voting machines are one of his scapegoats. Voting machine companies like Smartmatic and Dominion Voting System have taken the Trump organization to court for besmirching their business reputation. America awaits the outcome.

This is another ‘written podcast’ by Nonqaba waka Msimang.



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