Cars Photo Shoot Value Only

I would like a loan to start a business. As the bank, we need collateral sir. No problem, I have an impressive car collection. Try the next bank sir.

WOMAN: “Do you have a car?”

MAN: “No.”

WOMAN: “If I say yes, how will you take me out on dates?”

MAN: “Piece of cake. This is Toronto. It has the best public transport in the world.”

WOMAN: “Don’t call me. I’ll call you.”

We attach a human being’s value to objects, chrome and steel objects that lose value as soon as they leave the car showroom. Not only that, cars are like T-shirts. We have favourite T-shirts with droopy sides because we wear them all the time, while we have 20 we seldom wear, in the closet. Some basketball and football players have more then six cars, but have a favourite car they drive all the time, when they are not playing. Talking about playing. What’s the point of having six cars if you are on planes, half of the year flying to NFL or NBA games?

Cars have no value. They are for photo-shoot purposes only. They depreciate very quickly especially in coastal areas because of the sea. Salt nibbles the insides of a car, resulting in rust. Car collection is a hobby, because it gives owners great satisfaction to look at them now and then. They know that six cars that are literally ‘sitting pretty’ in the garage are not an investment.

Men should not be measured by something as worthless as a car, but that is how it is. No car, no love.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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