Voting To Protect The Capitol

The Capitol and 5 November election.

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for democracy deferred. It is also a yes vote for two painful dates Americans will never forget.

- September 11, 2001 also known as 9/11

- January 6, 2021

They are 20 years apart, but both are about hate, external hate for America and internal hate perpetrated by Trump’s foot soldiers that heeded his call and tried to stop the legal certification of Joe Biden, the man who won the 2020 presidential election. These two catastrophes have something in common: symbolism.

The Capitol is not just a building. It is a symbol of something very close to America’s heart: democracy, which is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. An attack on the Capitol is democracy deferred. The men who orchestrated 9/11 also sent a suicide plane to the Pentagon, another American symbol. It was not a mistake. It was intentional, outside terrorists knew it. Donald Trump is an insider, an American, and a former U.S. President to boot, so he knows what the Capitol stands for. Despite that, he knowingly sent hordes of terrorists to fight men who risked their lives protecting it. Capitol police.

This questions Donald Trump’s Americanness. Did it ever occur to him that what he was planning was tantamount to September 11, 2001? Just recently, he said the world was laughing at America. Correction, him the world is laughing at him. But the people laughing the most are people behind 9/11, people who belong to a religion that says you are a martyr if you die for your religion. Suicide bombers. Donald Trump did not die, instead, he will cripple the justice system for his intention to drive through those White House gates again. How is he different from 9/11 terrorists?

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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