Podcast Producers

Is this Barbershop, the movie?
No. It's what you see outside salons. They do hair. Focus is the key to a successful Tik Tok comedy or podcast. However, I don't. I'm like a bird, no fixed address. I write what I like, to quote Steve Biko.

You are a producer first, and blogger second. Same thing with video projects. What is a producer? The person who never sleeps, thinking about the where, what and how of the next blog or video.

I’m a general blogger because the world is my oyster. I write about anything, anytime and nothing at all, when writer’s block is visiting. I respect single-issue bloggers and video producers, because it is stressful. Let’s say, you have a weekly podcast about GRASS. To me, grass is either green or yellow, but as a producer you have a better insight. Does that mean you have something new to say about grass on every weekly video?

There are potholes ahead if you don’t think of yourself as a producer. You’ll run out of ideas. You’ll end up stealing, because the internet is a den of thieves, where plagiarism or photo-shop is called ‘trending.’

Lifestyle blogs are popular because of the belief they will end in rich marriages, fame and fortune. The reverse is possible, where blogs are nothing but free advertising for wigs, makeup, clothes or beverages.

The producer makes things happen, whether it’s a one-man blog or comedy show with 2 people behind the camera. Producers are not celebrated because of the word ‘celebrity.’

It goes back to the cradle of Hollywood-ism, where the spotlight was on actors and actress. The public doesn’t know the producer’s name even though it’s right there at the beginning of the movie.

You want your blog, podcast or any video to be online for a long time. Therefore, claim what you do. You are the producer.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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