President Biden and His Friends

Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden. A friend in need, is a friend indeed, I guess.

Background: Below is an old blog 19 July 2024, about behind the scenes to replace Biden, after his June debate with Donald Trump. There were rumours that Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama wanted to pull the rug out from under Biden. I never subscribed to that because I believed the three Democrats were as thick as thieves. I still do.


1. Barack Obama

2. Nancy Pelosi

What’s in a name? Friends. President Joe Biden’s friends. How do you break his resolve? By insinuating that the people who have his back have abandoned him.

Co-opted by Trump Democrats, are not getting as many recruits as they want. That is why they are ‘muddying’ the stream, hinting that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi might sell out Biden.

Will they? I don’t think so, but what do I know? Maybe I missed their official statements, refuting these rumors. Will they sell out?

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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