Starbucks Left Town After 2020

Starbucks left town. The coffee company has its reasons for the departure, but why blame me? How? Owners of the empty building call me ‘high foot traffic’ as you can see in this pic.

I don’t understand the other aspects of an empty store, but ‘high foot traffic’ is personal. It includes me, because walking is good for me. I'm neither high nor short foot. I’m just a woman who likes to walk, clear her head and trouble-shoot how she is going to pay bills. I’m what my grandfather named me, when my parents told him that their school romance had an unexpected result, not part of the school curriculum. That’s me. That’s why you have the pleasure of stumbling upon this little blog.

What are you paying for when you rent a store? I know Starbucks chose that location because of office towers, full of the Department of This and Department of That. That Starbucks was also a stone’s throw from the legislative building, convention centre and hotels. Retail real estate uses square footage.

You don’t rent a small or large corner store you can use as a coffee shop, you rent square-footage. You can see from this blog photo what they say about it. Why not round-footage? Fine, fine. I’m clueless about renting shops, but where do I come in? I’m outside, on the pavement, walking to point B or aimlessly, enjoying slippery pavements. Call me by my given name, not high foot traffic. Thanks very much.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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