Banks. Scams Inside Job?

Banks constantly warn us not to click on any links or respond to e-mails supposedly coming from ‘the bank.’ The warning always start with: We will never ask for your …….. and they list the things online thieves like to ask victims, to enable them to execute the ‘racketeering’ deed. Excuse me, for using RICO language. The State of Georgia v. Donald John Trump indictment, is constantly on my mind.

I digress. Where was I? Yes. Banks. We appreciate the advice about online thugs, but how do banks ensure that if I’m fired, I won’t sell bank secrets to hackers? That’s impossible. Is it?

1. Hair stylists have a fall out with hair salon owners all the time. What do they do? Leave and start their own salon, with stolen goods. Premium clients.

2. Real estate agents leave established realtors and start their own, using clients they stole from the last boss.

3. Brokers leave established investment houses and start their own, with premium clients in tow.


I’m a very private person. Right. Not when your whole life is in the bank’s computers. How do banks ensure that employees that resign or are fired, don’t leave with customer details? How do they ensure that they don’t leave with critical in-house road maps hackers need, to wipe out our money?

These are legitimate questions because I don’t understand how someone successfully pretends to be my bank or phone company. That sounds like an inside job to me. What do they call it in Wall Street? Insider trading. Pardon my ignorance.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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