Donald Trump Raindrops on His Wedding Dress

Donald Trump is like a bride sauntering to the altar. Slowly does it, because everybody waits for the bride. In most societies, her face is covered. In the west, it is radiant from meticulous make-up, but all eyes are on the white wedding dress. The longer the train, the more captivating it is.

Donald Trump is the bride and the dress train is the delay, delay, delay and delay game plan. He has money to appeal and Supreme Court all his cases, especially the two main criminal ones against the American people. Yes, Supreme Court them. It’s the best way of putting it. He doesn’t realize it will rain, and ruin that long train on his wedding dress. In fact, the dress is the only thing on a bride’s mind, months before the wedding. The husband -to-be is a distant second.

Same thing with Donald Trump. Mother nature is an enigma. It starts sulking and produces menacing dark clouds at the drop of a hat. In his case, clouds have been swirling for a long time especially after the State of Georgia v. Donald John Trump indictment. The people of Georgia voted on 3 November 2020. Joe Biden won the presidential election. End of story. Not for Donald Trump. He formed a criminal ‘enterprise’ with co-defendants like Michael A. Roman to overturn Georgia’s election results.

The bride wore a beautiful dress with a long train. Donald Trump is so enamoured with his wedding (delusion of winning 2024), he ignores the fact that raindrops are already on his delay, delay train. Yes Georgia. Judge Scott McAfee is back at his desk, looking at the indictment, and telling the prosecution, this works, that doesn’t work. Fix it if you want. It’s going to rain.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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