Easter Weekend

You love your car more than your kids, right? Just kidding. Once upon a time, it was called a motor car. It is a foreign word in countries that were occupied by the British. Locals ‘Africanized’ the word motor car.

i-moto: South Africa

Moto: Nigeria

The British also brought Jesus Christ and the Resurrection to its colonies. That’s why there are a million and one buildings with a cross on top of the roof. If you happen to be on the beach on any day of the week in South Africa, you’ll see a man pushing someone down into the waves. It’s not attempted murder. He is baptising her, because they belong to the Zionist Church - amaZayoni in Zulu. ‘Her’ because sadly, the church in Africa is full of women, but most pastors are men. Preachers by the sea, usually wear white robes with long green or blue crosses. Fast forward to years later when I went to college in New York. I visited a famous church in Harlem, and they had a built-in tub with water. I was lucky because the pastor had a baptism that day. That is where I understood why most African American churches are called Baptist Churches. In Africa, they are called Zionist Churches - amaZayoni

Therefore, kids that grow up in Africa are highly religious because they associate the cross, with religion. Church women get very emotional when they sing how someone killed Jesus and nailed him on the cross.  

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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