Donald Trump Will Change GOP Name

Lara Trump, RNC Comptroller?

Below is old post 14 February about Donald Trump's intention to change the Party's name.

Donald Trump has re-named the Republican Party. It is now the New Republican Party. He wanted to change it to the Truth Party as in Truth Social, his online drumbeat, but someone brave enough reminded him that there’s a tedious procedure for that. Besides, printing costs will be astronomical because all documents related to the 2024 election have been printed already. They bear the GOP name.

Seriously though. How do you register a new political party in the U.S? Is it the same legal procedure as a company to sell potato skins or disposable cars? Say that again. Yes. Disposable cars.

Trump’s new party will need a new battle cry to replace Make America Great Again (MAGA). I did some brainstorming.

1. One Party One America

2. Reclaim 2020

3. Revenge 2020

4. Pelosi Desk Justified

5. Proudly 6 January 2021

6. Our Law Our Judges

7. Trump Forever

8. Abolish Electoral College

9. America Our Way

10.  United Trump of America                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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