Books I'll Never Throw Out
There is no more space around here to put new books therefore, book-shopping is on hold. I also throw out old books because flea markets have disappeared. They used to take used books and sell them for a dollar or 50cents.
However, there are books that will be with me forever, because they are for reference purposes. I bought them, read them, understood a few petals then put them back on the shelf to read another day. Translation please. The subject matter is so complicated it makes by head spin. Look at this blog photo. These are examples of books I can never discard.
Top Book: Barack Obama’s book The Audacity of Hope is my reference book on U.S. politics. Don’t ask me to say all 50 American states because I’ll just excuse myself and go and fetch a glass of water. As for the United States Constitution, it is a myriad and maze of amendments to hold together conflicting interests.
Second Book from top: Daemon, Daniel Suarez book is about gaming. Apparently, it’s not such an innocent word. There’s a whole industry called gaming and porn. The main character Sobol dies but he lives on to control the world through a computer game. CIA, FBI, NSA and other agencies do not know how to shut down Sobol’s daemon.
Third Book: The Forgotten Daughter is about Quebec, one of Canada’s 10 provinces. Although it’s a novel, Joanna Goodman anchors it in history, and Quebec’s separatism in particular. The province is French-speaking. The rest of the country is English-speaking. There are some groups in Quebec that still want it to separate from Canada and be its own country.
Last Book: Opening Belle is about Wall Street. I know zilch about it. That’s why I bought Maureen Sherry’s book about a female broker. Stocks and bonds? How would I know? I don’t speak Greek. Just kidding, but I’m glad I have it as my high finance reference book. Thanks to Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial in New York, I must re-visit these pages.
Nonqaba waka Msimang
Executive Blogger