Zulu Lesson Being Sick

A yoghurt calabash is called igula.

This blog has Zulu lessons from time to time. Sick is gula in Zulu. You say the first part like good and the second like last. Gula means sickness and also being crazy. Cynics thought the Democratic Party was sick in the head to think Americans were ready for a black president. Voters said they were and made Barack Obama U.S. President #44. Now let’s look at sickness, real sickness.

Nancy is sick: Nancy u-yagula.

Langa is sick. Langa u-yagula.

Brenda and Brendan are sick. Brenda no Brendan ba-yagula.

We are sick. Si-yagula.

America is sick. America iya-gula.

Psychological Sickness.

Is obsession a type of sickness? Women don’t feel safe when strange men know where they live, the route they take to work and the time they pick up kids from school. Obsession with an idea is common in politics. U-Trump u-ya-gula. Trump’s lawyers might use that defence but it must not be entertained, not after the 6 January 2021 domestic terrorism. He’s still going to get his day in court, many courts in fact. Mental institutions are full of women, some wrongly diagnosed because husbands want to steal fortunes they inherited from their parents.

Yoghurt Container

Yoghurt is something similar to amasi, a kids’ favourite food. In the olden days, they put milk in a calabash called igula. The milk turned into amasi after a few days. Igula la-masi (a yoghurt container).

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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