Canada Day Symbols

The tipi is a mobile home. Indigenous people fished and hunted what they needed, then sailed on,
leaving resources to replenish. In the background is the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

The Canadian flag has one colour, red against a white background, therefore you can’t miss it on 1 July because it is Canada Day. Tiny hand-held flags or medium flags will be fluttering in block parties, public parks, stadiums and cottage country.

But the people who live in Canada come in many colours, like sunrise and sunset. Don’t ask them what they like about their adopted country because you might not like the answers. Free. That would be my answer. I know freedom because I never had it. Generations of the 1940 immigrants would not understand because they were born free in Canada, so they’ve never experienced anything else. Their great grand-parents do though. Absence of freedom made them leave Asia and Europe.

More recent immigrants from countries where religion is the compass for all activity do not like the freedom Canada affords women. One day on the bus, a girl removed what was on her head and waist and stuffed it in her back pack. When the bus got to the mall, she put on a baseball cap.

Canada would be a better place if we utilize that freedom to learn more about the guy or family next door. It’s ironic that the last plane load of immigrants is suspicious of current arrivals. Sometimes you get the feeling that immigrants that came 10 years ago want to hoard Canada, keep it to themselves.

Canada cannot work if new immigrants act superior on arrival, when they see Canadians of a certain race. We are all a compromise. Only the Anishinaabe are the original eagles and bison.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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