NHL and Hockey Moms

The National Hockey League (NHL) has banned ‘specialty’ warm-up jerseys and the LGB …. alphabet is crying foul.

Language is a means of communication. It is also a mask, like the movie  Mask of Zorro. It informs to mis-inform. The woman on the bus and man who drives the bus don’t understand compulsory gay activity called pride month.

The woman on the bus lugs a sports bag full of skates, helmets and other hockey gear because her son wants to play in the National Hockey League (NHL) one day. She doesn’t have a car so the bus is the only option. Mother and son get off at Union Station and walk to The Forks’ skating rink.

Her patience and career sacrifices pay off and her son is one of the few hockey players that make it to the NHL. How many years and how much does it take to raise and train hockey sons and daughters? Ask hockey parents. The NHL organization knows and understands.

Because of her son’s success, the woman on the bus now has a car. He tries to update her on all things hockey-related. He is very happy the NHL banned players from wearing ‘specialty’ jerseys during warm-ups. But she doesn’t understand most of it, especially the language.

What is LGBQT+?

What is gay and bisexual?

What is trans gender?

What are puberty blockers? Explain puberty in simple English first.

What is binary?

What is conversion therapy?

What is gender affirming surgery?

The son looks at her with those eyes he inherited from his father.

“Mum we just want to play hockey, not to be used as pawns.”

“You mean not to be used as pucks?”

“Mom!!! You like kidding around.”

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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