Western Civilization and Castrating Boys

Children's Festival? Very soon the word 'children' will be outlawed, because it will be regarded as hate

Trans gender rights are sexual rights that want to destroy the human right of being born a boy or girl. We would like the sun to shine all day, but we can’t because the moon takes its place and makes a contribution, which affects many things on this earth.

What two men do to each other in the bedroom is their business, but what they do to little boys is a crime against humanity. That’s why there is a law against it. What is child molestation?

“the crime of sexual acts with children up to the age of 18, including touching of private parts, exposure of genitalia, taking of pornographic pictures, rape, inducements of sexual assaults with the molestor or with other children, and variations of these acts by pedophiles.” Online source: The Free Dictionary.

In one court case, the child molester claimed the little girl agreed to the act. Women’s groups in both Canada and the U.S. went berserk for two main reasons. The first one is obvious. They get pregnant for nine months, deliver children into this world through a river of blood but the reward is priceless: love and trust from the little ones. How can a sane man regard that as consent to an unnatural act?

The second reason is lack of consent. We see this online everyday. The man says there was no rape because both parties agreed. The woman says it’s a lie. She did not give consent. The legal system takes this very seriously. That is why actor comedian Bill Cosby was charged for something that happened in 2004. Harvey Weinstein, co-owner of Miramax Films was also tried and sentenced for sexual assault accusations that surfaced, many years after the fact.

LGBQ  wants to change what nature calls a child

If a child can decide that his parents made a mistake in making him a boy, and lets doctors cut his thing, then men can plunge him and go scot free. Why? Because of the element of consent. If he’s old enough to change into a girl, he is old enough to be a sex object for family members, school teachers and online porn magazines.

Parents are on their own, because governments have been bought. All political parties were present in Ottawa when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau raised the pride flag, but fight him on some vague accusation that China interfered with previous elections, which made the Conservative Party lose.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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