LGBT... Alphabet Against Childhood

These are kids. Why rob them of their childhood? The law calls them minors because they don't have the legal capacity to decide that they want to be sexual objects for old men. They cannot even spell trans gender. What kind of doctor lays a boy on the table and chop his thing off to make him a girl?

Parents send kids to school because the government says they must, once they turn 5 or 6, depending on the province, state and country. Parents also want their kids to gather education like the earth is round, 1 + 1=2, how to start a business, growing food, how the government taxes us,  how Premiers and Prime Ministers get elected and how the body works i.e. how boys and girls grow up to be men and women.

Some parents might remove kids from school if school boards become dictators that destroy the fundamental truth that nature, in its wisdom makes boys and girls, and a boy cannot be a girl even if doctors chop his thing. What is a fundamental truth? It is something that is not debated because we all know what it is. Take religious schools for example. They might disagree with public schools but they agree on one thing. There are girls and there are boys.

If parents remove kids from school because school boards allow anti-kids ideology, kids will lose out on other things, like making new friends, playing hockey or basketball, using the lab and other school equipment and most of all, they’ll lose their childhood. Parents might argue it is better than kids remaining in school and being taught their boys’ thing can be cut off, because it is bad and that male  teachers can ‘fall in love’ with them and force them into sex.

The LGB …. alphabet is free to do what they want with their bodies, but not on other peoples’ kids. They are kids, just kids and the law calls them minors. What is not clear, is why kids, when there are many men out there who are already in the alphabet?

If parents decide to withdraw kids from the school system, the government cannot charge them with any crime. They will be protecting their kids, since leaders like Joe Biden and Pierre Trudeau have thrown them under the bus.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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