Online Temptation and Prison Language

Stop! Don’t quit your day job because you think you can make money from an online business. Why? We never hear of the crashes, of people who plowed their savings into online businesses that never took off. We only hear the good stories. It’s easy to be tempted because of the bait.

Sell language is short and clear, written in big letters. Prison language is  small letters, they call fine print. Prison language is long, a document actually, which can have 30 sections and 15 sub-sections. The following are bait examples.

1. Own your own home!

2. Instant million dollars!

3. Boost your online business!

4. Be a top model!

5. Travel the world free of charge!

6. No interest for 12 months!

7. Win Trip to Mauritius!

8. Subscribe to our free newsletter!

9. Free insurance for seniors!

10. Top jobs in Italy, Dubai, Morocco!

First of all, it’s easy to spot sell language. Free. That’s right. Free is the operating word, so if you see it, run for your life. There’s a catch. Secondly, sell language doesn’t need a lawyer or a tech geek.

Maybe we should think of the word free as the bait that leads to prison language. It kicks in once the fish has been caught. We enjoy the free things until we get the bill: ‘Due to repeated mortgage payment lapses, we have exercised foreclosure.’

What is foreclosure? Ask a lawyer.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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