Physics n Proverbs

Two falcons. Marques Keith Brownlee @mkbhd a YouTube tech falcon
 and Neil deGrasse Tyson, a physics falcon. 

Education in the British Empire was cancel culture. Language was top of the list because it’s like a tree. Cut down a tree and you leave birds and other tenants homeless. You also create a recipe for fire, that blankets provinces like British Columbia and Alberta during the hot season.

I didn’t understand Physics in school because it is taught in English, a foreign language. Education is online now. That’s how I came across Neil deGrasse Tyson. He was interviewed by @mkbhd, the YouTuber who laid most of the tracks used to review phones, computers, cameras, watches and anything with a T: technology.

Since then, I’ve been watching other Neil’s interviews. I don’t understand a thing, but what he says reminds of African proverbs, Zulu in particular.



The sun will fall down and be picked up by chickens.

Can Neil deGrasse Tyson guess the meaning?

Water will go back to where it once stood.

Can Neil deGrasse Tyson guess the meaning?

Birds don’t collide in the sky.

Can Neil deGrasse Tyson guess the meaning?

All languages have proverbs and all proverbs have physics and other knowledge kids get from books. Proverbs are the sum total of a people’s understanding of their environment, how the sun  and moon work, and how they affect their existence and animals in their midst. Ancient people knew physics because they are human. They still do, because proverbs outlived Queen Victoria, Mary and Elizabeth.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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