Death Certificate Says Male or Female

Job losses everywhere. Small business owners don't have money to rent stores in the mall, so they try their luck online or go under. We don’t know what tomorrow looks like, but what we know for sure is that the LGBTQ+ will add another letter once they decide to make public, another sexual experiment.

No problem. It’s their bodies but they cannot force the world to deny that the ‘world’ is male and female. I hope I won’t be tried for treason. What do they say about lies? When you hear a lie long enough, you end up believing it is the truth. I was shocked at myself the other day. I saw a woman with a very pretty dress with blue and white stripes. We don’t wear dresses anymore. Jeans and pants are more practical and you don’t have to worry about bags and shoes to match.

I complimented her because besides Kate Middleton, the next queen of England, few women have pretty dresses. She said thank you and said she was pregnant. How wonderful! I was just about to ask her if she was expecting a boy or girl, then the LGB ….. alphabet police flashed through my mind. I held that thought, said goodbye and went my way.

I’m gagged. I live in a totalitarian state where I cannot say this is a dog, that is a cat. I live in a state where this woman’s baby, will be told by a teacher that he is a girl and further advise him that he does not have to tell his parents. When they finally find out, they will confront the school, only to be accused of being, right wing. Her son will be told that the doctor can cut off his thing to make him a girl. Then it will be open season for men who sleep with men, because they will tell him they ‘love’ him and use him as a sex toy. Because of ‘inclusion’ his parents will accept it because they are scared of name calling.

We cannot stress enough that LGB … alphabet are free to indulge in their experiments even the body does not understand. That is why HIV/AIDS continues to kill famous fashion and entertainment men in the U.S. If boys are castrated and older men plunge them, they will probably die too depending on frequent use. The body doesn’t know what is going on, when an exit hole, is used as an intake hole. That’s why the immune system shuts down.

Republicans don’t like Democrats, Muslims do not agree with Christians but they are in sync when it comes to the word population. There are boys and girls, male and female. That is why women called celebrities throw big GENDER REVEAL parties. That is when the pregnant woman reveals if she is expecting a boy or girl. Oops! That is trans phobic.

We are scared. We are living in a society predicted in George Orwell’s book 1984, so we must be careful about saying a dog is not a cat. It might see itself as a cat. No problem, as long as they don’t castrate little boys. We will die tomorrow and the death certificate will say Male or Female. Let’s hope LGBTQ+DKPS will not sue the mortuary for false records.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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