America Kills Sovereignty

Some states in the south have removed books about slavery and its consequences. That means they’ll also remove all books about the American Civil War because slavery was the cause. Confederate States in the South wanted to keep slaves as property. Slave auctions had different prices for pregnant women, boys, girls, teenagers, men and slaves with skills.

This is how Alexander Stephens V.P. of these states put it in 1861. “Our new government ….. and its corner-stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery - subordination to the superior race - is his natural and normal condition.”

If the South is removing history books from the classroom, they must also remove books about sovereignty. U.S. President Biden’s rollercoaster imperialist foreign policy is leading to one direction, incineration of the word sovereignty.

What is sovereignty? It is the right of states to rule themselves. Except for the Middle East, America rules the world through NATO. Britain ruled its empire through the Royal Navy and air force. America needs a name change: United States of the World (U.S.W.) Biden and previous presidents are saddled with unemployed men and women, the army. They must get busy every two years, kill some strangers somewhere.

Biden is accelerating the total annihilation of the nation state, and sovereignty in particular, because of the rapid fire decisions he took, since he became President in 2021.

1. The escalation of the propaganda against China through the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus came from China, something the World Health Organization (WHO) has not been able to prove. Propaganda, because not a single COVID-19 variant was found in the U.S. 

2. The war against Russia, using Ukraine as a stepping stone, vassal states told to send troops.

3. America bans Tik Tok, vassal states follow.

4. America tells all vassal states to accuse China of election interference. Yes master.

5. Biden instructs all vassal states to visit the Ukraine war front, concrete evidence that there’s a World War 3 in place. Heads of governments go to the war zone, when they are in a war, officially.

America will never invade China because everything in Biden’s kitchen, living room, bedroom, closet, office, garage, study and digital toys he uses are made in China. This is what he should be telling its citizens. Facts. The army is unemployed, that’s why America is reviving dormant Cold War theories.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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