We Reject a Second Pandemic Lockdown

We won’t take a second pandemic because the World Health Organization (WHO) is hiding things from us. They know the reasons for the COVID-19 virus and where it came from. All those doctors know, but perpetuate medical theories Europe used to justify colonization. These people are barbarians. Therefore, their skin colour is a breeding ground for diseases.

1. Because they are inferior, they infected early white explorers to China with ‘yellow fever.’ That's why WHO decided COVID-19 must be attributed to China.

2. Because they are inferior, they infected early white explorers in Africa with ‘tropical diseases.’

3. Because they are inferior, HIV/AIDS came from African monkeys. This was Plan B. When the disease first killed Americans who chose a certain sexual lifestyle, doctors said it came from Haiti. Haitian doctors went on national TV and washed out the lie. That is when medical science decided on African monkeys.

4. Because the Chinese are inferior, COVID-19 came from a lab in China. Remember it was a hypothesis, not a fact. WHO went to China to find proof. They didn’t find any. WHO then activated Plan B. This virus ‘probably’ came from China's monkeys.

5. Enter COVID-19 variants. All come from Africa, India or Brazil. We are not doctors, but how does COVID-19 cause destruction in a country like Italy and not a single variant is found there? Instead, a variant is found in one traveler, just one from South Africa, then it is baptized Omicron and it spreads all over the world. Incredible!

6. Travelers from black and brown countries are in ‘red lists’ in Europe, but that is where the virus was first detected. You black? Don't come to our country.

7. No variants from the Canada, U.S. Italy, France, Germany and Japan. Incredible! 

Racist medical science has a modus operandi. Africa monkeys diseases. China monkeys diseases. Variants come from so-called poor countries. We cannot do anything about it, but we will not tolerate another epidemic, another lockdown because we are lied to.

We hold WHO responsible for knowing why COVID-19 is prevalent in cruise ships and old age homes, but choose to blame countries that were invaded by Europe.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang. 


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